August 2024
HELIO runs on Rust! Performance Galore!
We are proud to announce that the next version of HELIO will run on Rust! This will make HELIO much more efficient and faster, so that it can also run stably on less powerful end devices. The usage of CPU and RAM has been reduced by up to 90% in initial tests!
And since we don’t like to reinvent wheels, we’ve based the implementation of our new OPC UA Connection upon the fast open62541 library written in C. Especially in such scenarios Rust enables you to use performant, low level libraries without compromising safety as it allows us to create a safe wrapping around them.
Being consumers of Open Source & Free Software ourselves, we think that this is a great opportunity to give back the community. That’s why we’ve released our Rust crate that provides high-level, safe bindings for open62541 under an Open License that allows others to use and contribute to it. We already received first contributions that allowed us to extend the server capabilities of the library.
Open62541 Repository
Rust Website
The HELIOnaut and Ferris the Crab share a romantic picnic after the successful switch to Rust